The ART of Sacred Bliss

 Shirley-Ann Elizabeth Millar 

Tantric Celebrant  &

Priestess of Avalon

Professional teacher and practitioner

with 25 years experience.

Working with shamanic practices as a guide with a heart centred approach. Using many healing modalities known since the Golden age of Atlantis, hence the name of this web site! Aiming to help "rebirth" the beauty and bliss of the best times of Atlantis, plus to incorporate New Energy consciousness coming to the earth now. Each person has a unique way of uncovering his or her inner treasure, our inner Diamond Self,  I offer several directions and dimensions of personal development, all pointing towards ultimate bliss. My aim is to offer powerful tools and quality support for unveiling each individual's full potential. Creating a sacred, safe, caring and supportive environment, for Taster and Day Workshops and Retreats and/or personal Consultations 

Atlantis Reborn Tantra "The A.R.T. of sacred bliss"

Teaching workshops with a lot of fun as well, as laughter is a very good healing modality, and helps us learn easily!! 

 Bespoke Sacred Ceremonies for Handfastings and Rites of Passage. also available
My Professional certificated qualifications:

Holistic Massage Therapist M.T.I. (1991)  see website

Accredited Holistic Massage Tutor M.T.I. (since 1994)

Accredited Reflexology (1994) East London school of Reflexology. (AoR)

Traditional Thai Massage Diploma (1996) School of Oriental Massage UK

Spirit in Practice (Energy work) with Dr Christine Page (2000)          

see webste

Usui Reiki Masters (2002) London Borough of Waltham forest                            see website

Colour Light Therapy (Colourpuncture) (2003)                                                   see website school of

Tachyon Life Crystal Practitioner (pain management) (2004)                             see website school of

Angelic Reiki Masters/Teachers (2005)                                                                see website

New Shamballa (2006) see website

Priestess of Avalon (2006 to 2009) 3 year training      I                                        in the heart of the godddess

Energetic Spinal Alighment attunment 2008 with

Michaele Kundermann (see

Dedicated as a Priestess of Bridie (The triple healing goddess) 2010

I have also participated in the following courses

Shamanic training with John Two Birds (Native American Indian) (1998)

Shamanic training with Eagles Wing & Leo Rutherford   (2001)                           see web

Lots and lots of “advanced” massage courses/workshops (Various tutors)

Many years of in depth work with Tantra, with Diamond Light Tantra (Leora Lightwoman) see website . (Plus a lots of other teachers!)